Who needs video?
If you are in a B2B or B2C business, which covers everyone, then who needs video?
If we want our business to grow, we all need video.
But how?
I know, I can hear you all saying, ?I don?t have any money? ,? It is too expensive? or something like that.
Do you know how important?business video marketing is for your business today? Google does.
In the business world video is huge. Google purchased YouTube.com and?is integrating websites with video into their searches. If you haven?t noticed yet, sites with video and youtube videos are starting to show up higher and higher on organic searches.
- How to Cut a Mango ? Click to Play
People today don?t want to read a long email or manuals. The other day I went on youtube.com to find out about cutting a mango for my kids, I had never done this before. One of the first videos that showed up in an organic search was a 45 second video on how to cut and slice a mango. It was well done and easy to follow so I went into the kitchen and sliced the mango for my kids to eat.
?Ok,? I hear you saying, ?that?s nice for your home use, but that is not going to help me with my business use.? I totally dissagree with you. Look at the popularity of videos now on the web. The two major sites are YouTube.com and Vimeo.com, but there are many others. At Firelight Media Group, some of our video projects we have been producing are shown only online. We noticed that our clients have been using YouTube and Vimeo a lot more in the last 12 months. In fact, we created our own channel on YouTube because of this trend. On YouTube.com we showcase projects that we have worked on, or show new products that our clients have.
Do you have a Droid or an iPhone? Can you take video with it? Both of these phone types have made it easy to post a video to YouTube, Facebook, Twitter or other sites.
Here are a few reasons why you should use video to help promote your company, your products, or just to promote yourself as a leader in your industry.
- YouTube is the second largest search engine on the planet!
- Videos show up first in Google search results.
- Videos can actually rank higher in a search than your website.
- Videos stand out in the search results.
- Videos keep people on your website longer.
YouTube is not about placing a funny video from your Uncle Bob on skate board attempting a rail slide. As I said before, it is now being used for instructions on how to do things, on how to become a coupon wizard, or to see who is a expert in a certain field.
Video is really important for the success of your business or product. It is also important to show that you are an expert in your field. Video is one way to show your clients or customers that you are the best, plus it shows them how knowledgeable you are about your product. This way it sets you apart from your competition; something we all look for in our business.
With 86% of ALL U.S. internet users watching an online video in the month of July 2011, it would be wise for marketers and advertisers to take full advantage of the power of online videos.
Let?s face it, watching video on the internet is a lot more fun and engaging then simply reading text, right? It would only stand to reason that you would want to incorporate online videos as part of your overall company marketing and sales strategies, especially when you look at the latest numbers for online video viewership from Comscore. You see a huge audience that has the potential of seeing your product.? 32 Million people a month, over 1,200 viewers per minute. Where are you going to get that many potential customers with your current marketing materials?
Now that you want to do a video you probably have a few questions.
- What do you talk about? That is easy. Talk about your business. How are you the most popular, best dressed or the greatest service expert in your area?
- Do you have a tip of the day that can be related to your business? How do you get your A/R down? I am sure you can come up with multiple great topics that you can inform your customer base about.
Start thinking about these ideas and call Firelight Media Group to help you create these videos.? Firelight Media Group?will consult with you to see if making these videos with your own laptop and video camera will hit your market, or if?they can come up with a great video that fits into your budget to create a video that goes viral.
One more item to mention; embed your YouTube video on your website. Not only does it give people a reason to stay on your website longer, but it also helps to increase the total number of views for your videos. The more you promote your videos, the harder they will work to promote your company or yourself.
If your looking for a video marketing company to see how easy it is for create a video that can work for you, click the link above.
This post has been provided by Firelight Media Group, LLC.? FGM offers well over 25 years of experience in all forms of production and media creation.? This offers them the ability to integrate unique solutions with both a creative and a technical insight.
http://opensourcemarketer.com/9342/why-video-marketing/ http://www.business2community.com/online-marketing/why-online-videoadvertising-is-so-important-058007
http ://www.comscore.com/Press_Events/Press_Releases/2012/7/comScore_Releases_June_2012_U.S._Online_Video_Rankings http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvLdPjpELyU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbM63Cfep98
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Source: http://strategiesforbusinessgrowth.com/business-video-marketing/
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